A World View
Frequently, when talking about national news, such as the 2016 election, people forget to discuss the ways in which one country's national issues can intertwine and be important to the lives of people outside of those borders. The goal of this website is to create an interactive space where users can look at the ways in which actions are interpreted throughout the world. For this specific project, news headlines are interpreted to receive the information needed. For this interactive space in particular, Donald J. Trump's campaign for President of the United States will be given attention.
Below is a map with hyperlinked country names that will take you to separate pages containing information about the headline chosen from that country and what that headline and the article's contents say about that specific country's views of Trump's Campaign based on my (unprofessional) interpretation. While newspapers are supposed to be solely objective in their reporting, it is still possible to find bias in how a story is worded, what phrases are used in headlines, and very simply what stories are chosen for publishing. I attempt to analyze these little differences that can be found within.