Le Mexique dans l’angoisse d’une victoire de Donald Trump
Translation: Mexico in Anguish Over Donald Trump's Victory
By Marie de Vergès
This article from Le Monde, originally written in French is about the likely financial troubles Mexico may face in light of Trump's winning the election; this because of the ways the value of the peso is affected by Trump's campaign previously. The article references a 9% drop in the value of the peso since October of 2016 and predicts a drop in value of around 25% if Trump were to win, as we all now know the outcome of.
One of the most telling pieces of this article about Trump are the other articles they reference and their headlines. The journalist suggests reading: "Why markets are afraid of Donald Trump" and "At the Southern Border of the United States, the impossibility of a wall" These articles critique Trump inherently for his actions by attaching to them words with negative connotations, such as "anguish" in this article title and "afraid" and "impossibility" in the two referenced earlier in this paragraph.
Overall, the French people seem to be in opposition to those like Trump, especially considering their election had a similar isolationist candidate that lost, and a newly elected official that did not speak well of Trump himself.